Nothing goes to waste in the kitchen

© Noemie Garcia Emilia

The zero-waste kitchen is the next big thing. What is it all about? Getting the best out of what nature has to offer and ‘re-cooking’ our leftovers. Even famous chefs are getting involved! Now it is your turn to invent delicious new homemade recipes with zero waste.

3 anti-waste habits in the kitchen

A new lease of life for stale bread: Turn it into croutons, breadcrumbs, bruschetta… or go traditional with a mouth-watering bread and butter pudding!

Liven up your leftovers: Before you throw your scraps away, ask yourself: could I use them tomorrow? In a sauce? Tapas? A gratin? 

Cook your peelings: It is such a waste to throw peelings in the bin. Why not turn them into tasty stock, crisps or cakes?

Want to waste less?

Check out our online workshops


Organise better to waste less

Improvise with leftovers to reduce food waste